From Muffin to Restaurants
In this album I collected photos from different photoshoots to show how my photography changed in years and how came to big menu and content photoshoots that I do now.
That's how one of my first models were muffins and cookies. All I had at that moment was tripod, my camera and a table with paper background. I still love these photos because back then I realised that depending on an angle you can have different result for your photos.
It's all started in 2020 (yes, right when Pandemic came to our lives). I didn't have a chance to take photos with people and decided I need something to practice on.
How to start
To be recognized you need to be different.
Then I moved from one smal city in New Brunswick to another (a bit bigger) where we had more restaurants than just 2.
I actually created a list of restaurants there and this list didn't have more names than 50. That's not much but at least something. And all these restaurants need photos as I thought.
At this moment I decided I need more examples of what I can do. I already had some light equipment but I needed other food than just cookies. Believe me I take photos of food way better than cook.
That's why I took photos of fresh salad, yogurt with berries and the only one pie I knew how to bake. I had also a handmade sandwich but you don't want to see it, believe me.
With this in my portfolio I started pitching my ideas to the restaurants. Pandemic was still with us, and some restaurants didn't need photos because they had enough customers. I heard this first and last time in my life. Probably it's just a New Brunswick thing.
Raise hand if you don't need new customers! But anyway I've found there some restaurants that wanted to work with me and there I learned how to work with real restaurants, how to communicate and what I can shoot for them.